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5162 teams registered in 15 categories
Bortalag1 matchesTraining Matches BAT3
a1 matchesTraining Matches BAT3
A1 matchesTraining Matches BAT7
A1 matchesTraining Matches BAT7
A1 matchesTraining Matches BAT7
Adam1 matchesTraining Matches BAT12
Agneta1 matchesTraining Matches BAT13
AI1 matchesTraining Matches BAT9
Aidsbyn1 matchesTraining Matches BAT12
Ale1 matchesTraining Matches BAT4
AleTraining Matches BAT4
Alfta1 matchesTraining Matches BAT9
Allstars1 matchesTraining Matches BAT3
Away1 matchesTraining Matches BAT1
Away1 matchesTraining Matches BAT2
Away teamTraining Matches BAT1
Away team1 matchesTraining Matches BAT1
Away team1 matchesTraining Matches BAT1
Away teamTraining Matches BAT1
Away team1 matchesTraining Matches BAT1
Away team1 matchesTraining Matches BAT1
Away team1 matchesTraining Matches BAT1
Away teamTraining Matches BAT1
Away team1 matchesTraining Matches BAT1
Away team1 matchesTraining Matches BAT1
Away team1 matchesTraining Matches BAT1
Away team1 matchesTraining Matches BAT1
Away teamTraining Matches BAT1
Away teamTraining Matches BAT1
Away team1 matchesTraining Matches BAT1